After the rain and cold and a bit of snow and frost that winter brought us, the vineyard is finally bursting into life and ready for another year’s growth. Ramon made sure that the pruning and tying was all done on schedule. It is not only the vineyard that shows its vitality – the wildlife on Chateau Lestevenie is also in abundance with beautiful bird sounds during the day and owls and frogs at night.
Wine tastings
Now that the warmer weather has arrived, we are much busier with wine tastings. Between Petrie, Ramon and Jaco, we do our best to accommodate all tastings. Please call or make a booking via the website to make sure we are at home and available to do a tasting for you.
Summer events
In the tradition of previous years, we will continue with the summer events at Chateau Lestevenie where you are all invited to join us for an evening of food and wine and socialising. Places will be limited to 60 people at a time, so be sure to save the date!
The summer evening events will be on the following Wednesdays:
20 July, 3 August and 17 August.
You can already secure your place by leaving us a message on
More information about the events to follow in the upcoming newsletters.